Eavesdropping Attack
a type of man in the middle attack where an unauthorized person intercepts communications between two people.
Email malware distribution
using email as a means to distribute malware to potential victims. This could be using an attachment or embedding malicious links.
Encrypted Network
the application of crypto services at the network layer. Data is encrypted while in transit. The encryption is implemented through the use of IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). Both encrypted and unencrypted packets appear the same and easily travel through the network.
End-to-End Encryption
E2EE is a secure communication method that uses encryption on the sender’s system and only the recipient can decrypt the data. Not even the ISP can read the data. This decreases the risk to a man-in-the-middle attack. E2EE uses public key encryption.
End-to-End Security
making use of available security protocols to ensure transmitted data is protected from interception, data spillage, exfiltration, or alteration. E2EE is a type of EndtoEnd security.
Enterprise Risk Management
identifying potential risk and vulnerabilities specific to an organization in order to create plans and policies to help counter the potential risks
Exploit Kit
a type of tool used to create malware that is used to either scan the desired system for vulnerabilities, exploit the vulnerabilities and execute malicious code onto the target system. Many exploit kits are used to exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers and redirect victims to a harmful website. Exploit kits are known for delivering very sophisticated malware and going undetected. Even with antivirus software running they still often avoid detection.
Exploit Kits-as-a-Service
Are a relatively recent business model employed by cyber criminals in which they create, manage, sell or rent exploit kits which are accessible and easy to use in cyber attacks. They donÕt require much technical expertise to use, are cheaper, especially if rented, are flexible, can be packed with different types of malware, offer broader reach, are usually difficult to detect and can be used to exploit a wide range of vulnerabilities. This business model makes it very profitable for exploit kit makers to sell their malicious code and increase their revenues.
External Security Testing
Security testing conducted from an outside organization. This type of testing is often required to pass certain regulations and auditing requirements. It can also be helpful to use an outside organization as they don’t know the structure of the organization as intimately as an internal team could. This gives them some objectivity, and could place them in the mindset to think like a hacker, instead of an employee.